
I’m Walt Snider, a specialist IT trainer. I’ve been in IT more than 30 years and teaching for more than 10. In my work, I do a lot of technical writing so blogging is something pretty easy as I write things frequently. In my past, I’ve done a morning radio show, a brief stint in TV news, and run a large podcast group.

Overlooking the valley in Nara, Japan.

I’ve taught in or traveled to 33 US states and 13 countries. My friends often ask me for advice when they travel, such as like how to get the best price on flights, what to bring with them, how to stay busy on the airplane,  what to do when they are there, and tons more. Instead of retyping the same emails, I thought it would be better to put everything together on a website that I can send people to. Not only would this be helpful for my friends, I thought others could benefit as well.

Most people will tell you that they love to travel. When you’re on a plane 2-3 times a week and have to live out of a suitcase, you stop saying things like that. I wouldn’t call myself an expert world traveler by any stretch of the imagination, but after a few hundred flights over the years, I have compiled a lot of tips and tricks I use each time.

As I’m a nerd, my travel usually involves electronics, cameras, computers, etc. I’ve become fairly efficient in transporting all my toys. On the Well Traveled Nerd, I’ll teach you about how I pack my stuff, deal with language and cultural barriers, accommodate my dietary requirements (no dairy/seafood), fight my OCD, but most importantly, have a great time!

If you see anything missing or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I hope that the information here is helpful to you and helps make your future trips more enjoyable. Have an awesome day!